Nlineamiento tecnico sepsis puerperal pdf

Specific interventions necessary to prevent and treat infections. Postpartum sepsis an overview globally, puerperal infections cause. Finally, mention must be made of the veryrare formofautogenetic puerperal sepsis orauloinfeclion. Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading problems women can face following child birth. The rate of maternal mortality varies between 18% and 30%. Yes improvement in 24 hours no continue iv antibiotics for 3 days. Abstract sepsis is a syndrome complicating any severe infection, and it is triggered by a variable systemic host response, leading to generalized tissue damage. Abstract in spite of advances in obstetrics, knowledge of risk causes and use of new and strong antibiotics, puerperal infection is still the main cause of morbidity and mortality of the obstetrical patient 15 percent of maternal deaths in the world.

Cases of maternal mortality have not declined in spite of efforts by both the public and private sector to prevent such deaths momoh et al. Sepsisassociated maternal morbidity and mortality continues to be a pertinacious problem worldwide, posing a major threat to the parturients ferna. Puerperal sepsis is an infection which arises from bacterial invasion of the genital organs during puerperial period. Forconvenience inreference theforegoing classificationmay betabulatedasfollows. In addition to trauma sustained during the birth process or cesarean procedure, physiologic changes during. Microbial profile in females with puerperal sepsis. Download as ppt, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Postpartum infections comprise a wide range of entities that can occur after vaginal and cesarean delivery or during breastfeeding. The objectives of the study was to assess the pre test and post test level of knowledge regarding puerperal sepsis among post natal mothers and to. Postpartum sepsis an overview globally, puerperal infections cause morbidity in 510% of all pregnant women with over 75,000. A who technical working group on the prevention and management of puerperal infections, in 1992 put forward the following definition of puerperal sepsis.

In industrialized countries puerperal sepsis is rare, causing only 2. For maternal sepsis, there is a stark disjunction between the technical means to reduce mortality and severe morbidity and the increased attention to improved emergency obstetric care that will be needed if the. Puerperal sepsis is defined in the international classification of diseases icd10 as a temperature rise above 38. Puerperal sepsis attributed to home deliveries accounts for 15 per cent of total maternal deaths in kenya. Management of puerperal sepsis sri lanka college of obstetrics and gynaecology health sector development project guidelines management of puerperal sepsis feverpurulent vaginal dischargepelvic pain very sick high fever, altered consciousness, rapid pulseassume critically ill. Sepsis does not have a characteristic clinical picture, and its diagnosis is based in a high suspect index and the verification. Preferiblemente, amoxicilina clavulanico 875 mg8 h 57 dias via oral. As defined by the world health organization, puerperal sepsis is a genital tract infection occurring at any time between the rupture of amniotic membrane and. Specific interventions necessary to prevent and treat infections are well known and include good hand hygiene, antisepsis. Engage your students during remote learning with video readalouds.