Bad facts about france

You just stepped into one of the lessthanmagical aspects of visiting france. Ten facts about louis xiv louis xiv louis the fourteenth is one of the most wellknown and was one of the most powerful of the kings of france. France is the most sought after country when it comes down to tourism. The country was also benefiting politically from spains decline, and similar to other european countries, most of the common people within france were illiterate. A new survey of expats has revealed what makes them happy they chose to move to france, but also what still drives them nuts about living in their adopted. Maybe i shouldnt be surprised, as in france people still stick to proper mealtime hours with surprising and overzealous diligence. Many of the stereotypes on this list come from dated impressions. Apr 04, 2019 france facts in hindi and urdu documentary dosto aaj ham aap ko jankaari deny waaly hen europe k bohat hi khobsorat desh france ki aor is video men ham aap ko france k baary men wo saari. First of all, not all regions of france have the same general culture or attitude towards other people. These languages, including also italian and spanish, have their origins in the latin language.

If the fourteenth century was not bad enough for the french with the black death, great schism, and hundred years war, the century also ended with a mentally unstable man on the throne. What are the best and worst aspects of french culture. I should have learned french before coming to paris because i found myself in some very embarrassing situations. The revolution started with the storming of the bastille fortress on 14th july 1789, an event that is celebrated every year all over. Its never occurred to me that no one else would find it shocking. In caesars time the country was divided in three parts and the division line ran along geographic and linguistic lines. What are some bad things about france or french culture. Paris is such a famous city that every knows everything about it, right. Historically and culturally among the most important nations in the western world, france has also played a highly significant role in international affairs for centuries. Ten facts about louis xiv of france king louis the fourteenth. Both are played by village men on a gravel or sandy pitch known as boulodrome, scratched out wherever a bit of flat or shady ground can be found. France is known the world over for its cuisine, fashion, culture and language. France is one of the worlds top tourist destinations, and theres plenty to get your teeth stuck into, from great cities like paris, bordeaux and marseille to the prehistoric sites of the vezere valley and brittanys beautiful coastline.

There is a small town in the savoie region of france named pussy. France s territory covers an area of 211,209 square miles, which makes it the largest country in the european union. However, some people claim the sauce was invented in spain not france. It has nearly 3000 miles of seashore, with three major water bodies. I enjoyed this list as well as the last one, especially the good move on the goodbad sides of no one giving a crap in france. There is even a special storage of this blood so that people who have it can have a blood transfusion if necessary.

D, paris, also called the city of lights, is the capital of france. The average french citizen eats 500 snails each year. Today, french is the second most studied language after english and spoken by more than 300 million people around the world as first. France is the only country in the world where private dna tests, to prove paternity for example, are illegal. Its financial position reflects an extended period of unprecedented growth that lasted for much of the postwar period until the mid1970s. France jokes and funny quotes about france humorous quations and jokes about france.

The france based arianespace is the world leader in commercial space launch, with over 50% of the global market for launching satellites the european space agency esa is based in paris, while the headquarters of the paneuropean aerospace concern airbus are in toulouse the french tgv is the fastest train in the world, with an average speed of 263. Dont let this list of bad stuff put you off from visiting. I think the opening paragraph of this article about language learning statistics sums it up perfectly. Aug 01, 2016 there are many fascinating facts about france, including that it had a population around 19 million people in 1700. Interesting facts about france france guide eupedia. But seriously, never put a baguette upside down, its bad luck. The answer is not in modern, urban areas, but rather the forgotten rural areas where the agriculture industry reigns. The main reasons why people choose to move to france. We often think we know everything about this grand city. Another of the noteworthy facts about france involves a french chef who worked for the duke of richelieu and is often credited with creating mayonnaise, probably in 1756. French was ruled by kings for many centuries until the storming of the. A key player on the global stage and a country at the political heart of europe, france paid a high price in both.

I was born and raised in this country and lived in a good lot of cities, including paris, so i guess i can get you an accurate answer. And i think the cheating issue is an interesting one to look at, as that is definitely a stereotype in france possibly about other parts of europe as well, but it seems to be a french in quotes on. You might think you know southern france s nice, but think again. The line of division runs now along the generational line. Aug 31, 2018 check out 10 surprising facts about the former queen of france. Famous for his big hair and residing in the rather large and grand palace of versailles with other members of the aristocracy, his rule came at a time of france s supreme power. Way before the web, france had minitel since 1978, an online service that gave its users access to online shopping, search engines, porn and message boards. Area more than 210,000 square miles includes the island of corsica in the mediterranean sea. French people are rude this is one of the most common french stereotypes, and probably the most unfair. France, paris, chartier restaurant at 7 rue du faubourg montmartre.

Using the restroom in france can be an adventure, a challenge or even emotionally scarring. Born in vienna, austria, in 1755, archduchess marie antoinette was the 15th and last. Top ten most annoying things about paris tripsavvy. Why france is always on strike and other things the world wants to. Today, youll almost certainly hear accordions if youre strolling around central paris. France was hit hard during world war i and in 1920 it established the maginot line of border defenses to protect itself from the rising power of germany. Explore more of france with the rough guide to france. Here is a collection of 25 interesting facts about france as well as some general info. In fall they would often eat goose roosted with apples. France s official name is the french republic republique francaise. If you judge a french village by the view from the train.

And they dont have any presidential candidates that stand for liberty. Learn facts about france, including frances population, gdp, unemployment. France has wont he most nobel prizes for literature than any other country in the world, and the second most in mathematics. In 1870 france was involved in the francoprussian war, which established the countrys third republic that lasted until 1940. His reign marked an early high point for france during the hundred years war, with his armies recovering much of the territory held by the english, and successfully reversed the military losses of his predecessors. The only thing the french are good at is looking in their car rear mirrors during the war.

The oldest bridge in paris, france, is the pont neuf. Nov 17, 2016 france is the largest country by size in europe at 248,573 m2 643,801 km2, and that figure includes the islands of french guiana, guadeloupe, martinique, mayotte, and reunion island. France is the largest nation in western europe, with countries like spain, italy, switzerland, germany, belgium, luxembourg, andorra and monaco sharing its boundary. Interesting facts food facts europeans in new france at this time who not eat tomatoes because they thought they were poisonous. Frances territory covers an area of 211,209 square miles, which makes it the largest country in the european union. The bombay phenotype is a phenomenon whereby certain elements of the blood are missing. When this turns into a negative is when youre waiting for folks to vacate a table in a full restaurant or a sunny terrasse, and no evileye is gonna.

Here are all the gory and gruesome details about frances bad side. Top 5 things that suck about france curtiss top fives. France has the highest number of nobel prize in literature winners of any country, with 15 followed by the united states with 11, and the uk with 10. Being such an ancient and important city, which has been at the heart of european history for centuries, paris has more than a few quirky secrets and. I enjoyed this list as well as the last one, especially the good move on the good bad sides of no one giving a crap in france. France was the first country to introduce the license plate. France ruled the second largest colonial empire in the world controlling 8.

In france, until 2012, it was theoretically illegal for a woman to wear trousers without official authorization. To get off the beaten track, we compiled 10 funny facts about the city which weread more. Let us know some more interesting facts about france. France facts for kids facts about france france for kids. The countrys land area is only exceeded by that of russia and ukraine in europe. Though france is the largest european country, when it comes to land area after russia and ukraine, nearly 20% of the french territory. Most of these will probably be new ones unless you already know a lot of interesting facts about france. France, officially known as french republic is the country located at western europe.

Oct 14, 2016 the same women who thought marie antoinette had been terrible for france and were clamoring to have her head cut off and clamoring to drink her blood were the same women who really liked the. Jan 25, 2007 12 responses to top 5 things that suck about france zozer319 says. Religions roman catholic 85%, muslim 10%, protestant 2%, and jewish 1%. Here are some interesting french facts to prepare you for life in france, or if you are already living in france, test how well you know the french. Top 10 dark moments in the french monarchy listverse. France is one of the oldest nations on earth and the most ethnically diverse country in europe. France facts in hindi and urdu documentary dosto aaj ham aap ko jankaari deny waaly hen europe k bohat hi khobsorat desh france ki aor is video men ham aap ko france. With such a high population enjoying clean water, where is the water quality in france considered so bad. Not the best aspect for economy, but at least it ensures food and health for everyone.

But i dont understand why other than at american chains like starbucks cest pas possible there it is again to order a hot drink at most bars and even cafes after a certain hour. Despite these defenses, however, france was occupied by germany early during world war ii. Other french teenage offenses include godcomplexes, disrespect for authority, and constant pda, which was almost bad enough of a problem itself to make it into the top five almost. The fiscal sectors are so bad that even parts of the government are concluding that marketbased reforms are necessary. France is a terrible country that looks down its nose at the rest of the planet while making a noise like haw hee haw hee haw. Read facts that will change what you think about france, whether its to do.

France is a member of the european union, the largest country of western europe with 550 000 km2 and the second country in population behind germany with 66 millions inhabitants. Im planning a trip to paris in 2008 which isa long way off at the moment. As this article points out, this brings both positive and negative consequences. The land area makes france about three times larger than the united kingdom. Gabon has important populations of many mammals including about 35,000 gorillas, 50,000 forest elephants and 64,000 chimpanzees. Why france is such a mess foundation for economic education.

A 1910 law in france forbids couples from kissing on train platforms to avoid delayed departures. France created the first universal declaration of human rights in 1789. In french history, while a constitutional monarchy could have served to benefit. It may have a fine cafe culture, but french coffee has long been considered inferior to what youll find in italy, or. Other animals include hippos, forest buffalos, various antelope and monkey species, leopards, three species of crocodiles and several sea turtle species which nest along the coast.

France is the first country who forbade supermarkets to throw away or burn unsold food. Apr 06, 2016 you might think you know southern france s nice, but think again. Back in 2016, a historical decision was made where france became the first country in the world to ban supermarkets and food stores from throwing away or burn unsold food. There is another one of interesting facts about france. Check out 10 surprising facts about the former queen of france. As if that werent bad enough, there is also a french law which states that a newborn baby, which is born to an unmarried mother. Daniel kurtzman is a political journalist turned satirist. Mary margret on flickr markets have held the french elections in focus lately. To start, i have no significant qualms about constitutional monarchies. French is the official language in france and it is also the second major language in europe. From having the worlds oldest ever living human to being the worlds most visited country, read about the most interesting facts about france.

France is the largest country by land area in the eu. Here are ten unusual facts about the city from our guest blogger allison coe, who runs the hit site best of nice blog. France has more than 30,000 of them more than great britain, where they were originally. If you are in france, you have to try the freshly baked baguettes. He has been widely cited as a political humor expert and. In france, nearly 96% of high schools have condom vending machines. Social security and helps for families, students or unemployed people. These deep and broad influences have made france a world leader throughout history in different aspects of culture, including cuisine, philosophy, music, art, film, fashion, literature and sport. It is bordered by both the mediterranean sea and the atlantic ocean. It reached 25 million users in the 90s, connecting to more than 23,000 services. Potatoes were illegal in france between 1748 and 1772. Its probably like this in the country youre from, as well. Aug 26, 2017 france is a country divided in two parts. Political quotes political cartoons political jokes political memes politicians by.

The french really love their baguette and they will be. It became a republic in 1792 as a result of the french revolution against centuries of royal rule. Ready for the lowdown on one of europes most amazing countries. If you are running away from a bad situation at home it will still be a bad situation. France is the largest country among all the western europe countries. French teenagers love to get on the bus at 8 in the morning and blast bad french rap music as loudly as their crappy, trebleladen cellphone speakers can play. France is one of the major economic powers of the world, ranking along with such countries as the united states, japan, germany, italy, and the united kingdom. King charles vi and several other men disguised themselves as savages during a masquerade hosted by queen isabeau. But you should also be prepared for the bad, the ugly, and the smelly before your visit, especially if youve never been to france. France ruled the second largest colonial empire in.

Here are some interesting france facts which were chosen and researched by kids especially for kids. Ive asked on another forum and 2 people have said they would never visit paris again because the food is expensive and its dirty. Apr 14, 2020 first of all, ask just about any french adult, and theyll automatically tell you, french people are bad at english, or even bad at all languages altogether. Charles martel, latin carolus martellus, german karl martell, born c. The accordion was a popular instrument in france in the 19 th century, up to around the 1930s, with its bal musette music. But you can find the baguettes with the length more than 1 meter. Charles v 21 january 38 16 september 80, called the wise french. France was the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food since february 2016, shops must donate wastage to food banks or charities. The good and bad points of paris paris forum tripadvisor. The country of my biggest inspirations, cyprien and norman.

Despite this horribleness, we found 10 fascinating facts about the country to delight and amaze you. Test your skills and see how many of these france facts you already know. Absolute monarchies, by contrast, are much more problematic. In 5850bc roman emperor julius caesar defeats the gauls and france becomes part of the roman empire until 476ad. Mayonnaise was said to have been served by the chef at a victory feast after the duke defeated the british at port mahon. According to the world tourism rankings published by the united nations world tourism organization under their world tourism barometer publication, nearly 83. Ten things you definitely didnt know about nice the local. Check out these 23 fun facts to learn more about the largest sporting event in the worldone for each day of the race.