In the fourth season premiere, elena awakens after the accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true. For eight seasons on the cw, the vampire diaries thrilled fans with its romance and juicy plot twists, all culminating in some epic season finales. The vampire diaries 4x16 elena vs caroline duration. Free download the vampire diaries all season in 480p 4g. Meanwhile, bonnie has a frightening encounter with kol. Watch online the vampire diaries season 2 hd with subtitles the vampire diaries online streaming with english subtitles all episodes hd streaming eng sub online hd the vampire diaries with english subtitles hd free watch the vampire diaries season 2 online with captions the vampire diaries hd free streaming europix. The vampire diaries has already been renewed for a fifth season and should. From its very beginning, the vampire diaries was obsessed with the idea of good and bad. Season 4 guide for the vampire diaries tv series see the episodes list with schedule and episode summary. Saying that the season finale of the vampire diaries was emotional is quite the understatement. Tvguide has every full episode so you can stayuptodate and watch your favorite show the vampire diaries anytime, anywhere. Stefan promises elena that he and bonnie will exhaust. Damon and stefan split up to cover more ground and caroline promises to meet stefan at the school, but ric is not a fan of that plan. The vampire diaries season 4 episode 10 after school special stefan, caroline and elena get trapped in the library on this episode of the vampire diaries, as rebekah seeks revenge.
Vampire diaries season 4 spoilers the hollywood reporter. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from watch the vampire diaries season 4 episode 20 putlocker. The vampire diaries, a onehour american supernatural drama, was renewed for a. Unless marked otherwise, all content should be considered subjective and noncanon. Klaus turns to stefan for help when rebekah refuses his plea to stop kol and protect jeremy. The fourth season of the vampire diaries began airing in the united states in fall 2012.
The vampire diaries finale recap nina dobrevs last episode. On april 25, 20, a backdoor pilot focused on the originals, titled the originals aired, which has been picked up by the cw for at least one season. We just finished season 4 last night and i am seriously wondering how we are going to get by without our nightly vampire diaries fix when the hell does season 5 start. Falls because he is carolines first love i intend to be your last, however long it takes. The vampire diaries returns to the cw on thursday, oct. Season 4 episode 1 elena awakens on the morning after the accident to find the thing she dreaded most has come true she died with vampire blood in her system and now must go through the terrible transition to become a vampireor face certain death. All 172 songs featured in the vampire diaries season 4 soundtrack, listed by episode with scene descriptions. Sep 10, 2009 tvguide has every full episode so you can stayuptodate and watch your favorite show the vampire diaries anytime, anywhere. A whole new world the cure was digested, but all the twists in this episode will take a while. This week on the vampire diaries season 4, episode 15, we find out jeremys fate. Stefan was the good brother, damon the bad, and the show then used those loose definitions to springboard eight seasons of stories that either confirmed or subverted those initial character sketches. This article contains fan analysis and hypothesis of the the vampire diaries, the originals and legacies. Recap of the vampire diaries season 4 episode 8 recap. Episode title analysis the vampire diaries wiki fandom.
Watch the vampire diaries online full episodes in hd free. Recap of the vampire diaries season 4 episode 8 recap guide. Eventually, especially in the shows final season, it deepened the idea to encompass the. The vampire diaries season 4 the thing which has been frightening elena the most for the last couple of years still happened with her the accident with the car which drowned in the river had killed her and at that moment there was a vampire blood inside her body. May 17, 20 the vampire diaries season finale recap. The first season was released on both dvd and bluray formats in the united states and canada on august 31, 2010. Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from watch the vampire diaries season 4. The vampire diaries series finale airs friday, march 10, at 9 p. At the armory, alaric researches a mysterious artifact that he hopes will help in their fight to get damon and enzo back. Stefan stabs her with the bone dagger they had made in the last episode, which buys them a little time before she inevitably wakes up. Listen to music from watch the vampire diaries season 4 episode 20 putlocker.
Its bonnies last deed before she signs off to her very real death after spending the whole episode as a ghost pretending to be alive. The vampire diaries finale recap nina dobrevs last. From season to seasonand hell, sometimes episode to episodeone salvatore brother was painted as the worst evil while the other was a saint, only to have the roles quickly reversed, while elena sat in the middle as the fulcrum the two brothers morality balanced upon. The vampire diaries facebook the vampire diaries twitter the vampire diaries season 7 episode 4. Damon is furious with stefan, and takes out his rage on matt. Damon and stefan visit new orleans in hopes of finding someone who remembers their last visit in 1942. Meanwhile, bonnie was still reeling from her recent death, but she couldnt bring. As enzo continues to fight the control over him, bonnie finds herself at the center of a deadly game and forced to make a heart wrenching decision involving two of the most important people in her life. Recap of the vampire diaries season 4 episode 11 recap. Unlike the previous seasons that aired in september, it premiered on october 11, 2012, to avoid competition from major television shows. Season four begins with the knowledge that everything is in transition.
This finale is actionpacked there are a couple of love confessions, more than. Watch the vampire diaries episodes online season 1 2010. Picking up where the third season left off, elena awakens and finds herself in. More ghosts appeared in tonights episode, including connor, alexander and. Free download the vampire diaries all season in 480p 4g tv. I also appreciate the symmetry with last seasons finale, in which vampire elena was born. All 5 songs featured in the vampire diaries season 4 episode 22. Klaus travels to new orleans, the city he and his family helped build, when he learns of a plot against him.
The vampire diaries is an american supernaturalfantasy horror television series. Going into this penultimate to the penultimate episode of the vampire diaries, i knew i was going to have a couple of problems with the. The cure was digested, but all the twists in this episode will take a while. As winter finales go, it made me want to sit in a dark room and. Season 1 season 2 season 3 season 4 season 5 season 6 season 7 season 8 season 9. The vampire diaries, season 4 finale recap forever young adult. I finally had to admit that i was hooked and went back to season 1, episode 1 and caught up to her 3 seasons in 3 weeks. In this episode, stefan is desperately trying to find damon after he and enzo mysteriously disappeared from inside the armory vault. The vampire diaries says a final, emotional goodbye.
Watch the vampire diaries episodes online season 4 20. This article shows the titles and their meaning from each episode of the vampire diaries, the originals and legacies. Watch the vampire diaries online full episodes in hd. This was not the finest season of the vampire diaries. The vampire diaries 4x05 tyler and hayley helping hybrid destroy their sire bond by cwfan365. The vampire diaries season 2 online free hd with subtitles. After six seasons as the firstbilled lead on the vampire diaries, nina dobrev announced she would be leaving though the show would go on to a. What is your favorite all time episodes of outlander on starz. Recap of the vampire diaries season 4 episode 11 recap guide.
Stay tuned to thr s live feed for more coverage before and after the shows final episode. Lets take a look back at the best and worst moments of season 4. When stefan confronts damon with a suspicion about elena, damon has no choice but to help stefan investigate. The vampire diaries season 4 episode 8 rotten tomatoes. Oct 11, 2012 all 172 songs featured in the vampire diaries season 4 soundtrack, listed by episode with scene descriptions. I carry your heart with me quotes dear elena, yes you heard that correctly. Watch all 23 the vampire diaries episodes from season 4,view pictures, get episode information and more. The vampire diaries season 4 finale recap popsugar. The cws hit show started out strong, but faltered midseason only to pick up again by the season finale. Searching for answers, damon and stefan visit modern day new orleans to see if they can find anyone who remembers the events of their last visit in 1942, including one of damons former flames, charlotte. The episode title was also a direct quote from damon, as was the trend for all of the season eight titles. The vampire diaries, a onehour american supernatural drama, was renewed for a fourth season by the u. Even the most avid fan of the vampire diaries cant always remember every last detail because, lets face it, a lot happens in each episode. The vampire diaries season 4 finale ending last 5 mintues.
Everything changes in season 4 of the vampire diaries as elena finds her mortal life ripped away from her when she becomes a vampire. Nothing in this episode of the vampire diaries made a lick of sense. Watch online the vampire diaries season 2 hd with subtitles the vampire diaries online streaming with english subtitles all episodes hd streaming eng sub online hd the vampire diaries with english subtitles hd free watch the vampire diaries season 2 online with captions thevampirediaries hd free streaming europix. The beginning of the end, hello, brother marked the first episode of the vampire diaries final season. Last season, our heroes rebuilt their world without elena, and stefan paul wesley and caroline candice king began their muchanticipated yet complicated. May 09, 20 visit tunefind for music from your favorite tv shows and movies. Just when a cure for vampirisim was introduced on the vampire diaries, it was taken away for the time being, at least the death. A whole new world the vampire diaries season finale recap. Free download the vampire diaries 480p tv series in 150mb with hd quality in low size, all episode and season in 480p, mp4, mkv. We just finished season 4 last night and i am seriously wondering how we are going to get by without our nightly vampire diaries fix. Find out what you missed in this weeks recap of stand by me, which aired february 21 st, 20. Forgot about what drama and heartache went down in the season four finale.